MH Elite Difference
Diversified Portfolios Tailored to Your Investment Needs
Diversifying your investment(s) among the different asset classes and investing styles is essential to a well designed investment plan. In the following table we have identified eleven major asset classes and the corresponding focus in an asset class or classes for each of our funds that you can use as a guide toward developing a diversified portfolio tailored to your individual investment needs.
U.S. Large Cap Equity | ||||
U.S. Mid Cap Equity | ||||
U.S. Small Cap Equity | ||||
Developed Foreign Equity | ||||
Emerging Market Equity | ||||
Real Estate | ||||
Natural Resources | ||||
Commodities | ||||
U.S. Bonds | ||||
International Bonds | ||||
Inflation Protected Securities |
Within each of the equity asset classes mentioned above, the corresponding MH Elite Fund will invest in a blend of value and growth funds. Remember, over the long term, a broadly diversified multi-asset portfolio, including both stock and bond funds, is more likely to have a greater impact on your overall return then trying to pick the hottest or number one performing fund.
Our Holdings Include a Number of Top Performing Mutual Funds
Are you disappointed to find top performing mutual funds closed to new investors? Do high initial fund minimum investment requirements keep you from investing with some of today’s best managers? A unique opportunity exists when you invest with MH Elite Portfolio of Funds Trust. Our holdings include a number of top performing mutual funds from Artisan, Cohen & Steers, Franklin, Fuller & Thaler, Neuberger Berman, Seafarer, Virtus and WCM that are no longer accepting new applications from individual investors. The simplicity and affordability of investing in a fund of funds is hard to match. Fund minimums are no longer a barrier when you invest with MH Elite Funds. An initial investment of $10,000 is all that is needed to invest with MH Elite Portfolio of Funds Trust. In contrast, it would take an initial investment in excess of $500,000 to purchase the individual underlying funds in each of our portfolios.
Look No Further Than MH Elite
If you are looking for one fund family that can provide you with a well-balanced and globally diversified multi-asset portfolio of stock and bond funds then look no further than the series of funds offered by MH Elite Portfolio of Funds Trust. Too often investors buy good funds but assemble bad portfolios. It is not which fund(s) you choose but the mix of funds within the various asset classes that will have the greatest impact on the overall performance of a portfolio. Investors should invest in a diversified portfolio that matches their tolerance for risk with the objective of achieving financial security. We have compiled a team of portfolio managers we believe manage some of the best funds available today so you only have to make one investment decision.
Investor Behavior is Most Likely to Have a Negative Impact on Investor Returns
All too often, investors will pour money into last year’s winners; chase the hottest sectors and over react to yesterday’s news. In an attempt to satisfy their greed for more, investors invariably will buy high followed by a period of panic selling in which they are willing to sell low to avoid the fear of losing more during a market correction, which historically would be the best time to buy. It appears that investment return is far more dependent on investor behavior than on market performance.
No one knows when market gains will occur and missing just a few of the market’s best days can lower an investor’s return substantially. You have to be in the market to take advantage of market gains as most of the market’s performance has been achieved in a relatively short number of days. Patient investors with realistic expectations understand its time, not timing, that counts when it comes to enhancing their investment return.